Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving Thanks

It's the holiday season. If I went by store decorations rather than a calendar, I'd believe the holiday season started in September. Just to make sure that it's truly holiday time, I checked my local radio stations and we now have 3 stations playing all Christmas it's official! I can hear 114 versions of Winter Wonderland, 36 versions of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, and the ever annoying Christmas Shoes at multiple locations on the radio dial! The only bright spot is that occasionally, I get to hear the Muppets "12 days of Christmas"....the Beaker parts make me laugh every time, because I am easily amused.

Tradition says that we should think about things we are thankful for, beginning on Thanksgiving. Like just about every human, I'm thankful for my family (although there are some days.........), my friends, my successes, health, etc. Once we get past the most important stuff, the list can get squirrelly.

I asked the kids what they are thankful for. Maybe you have asked yours, too. Did you get responses similar to mine? Desi is thankful for skateboards. She hasn't come close to riding hers for more than 4 seconds without falling off, but she is thankful. Ian is thankful for chicken nuggets. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to ask him while he was eating chicken nuggets. Shortly after Ian's response, Des also noted that she is thankful for chicken nuggets. Ian replied that she can't be thankful for nuggets too, and that he is now thankful for tator tots (which were served with the previously mentioned nuggets). Riley is the oldest and is the thinker of the bunch. She is thankful for toilet paper. Not exactly the answer I was looking for but I guess it's true. I did mutter a line I never dreamed I'd say: "You can't be thankful for toilet paper!" There have been days when I thought we were out, so maybe the kid is right.

Until next time, buh bye.

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