Saturday, June 12, 2010

Someone ate my Father's Day present

I'm not a big candy guy. I'm not a big present guy. I usually don't get too emotional, excited, or worked up over my birthday or Christmas. But, I do like a Father's Day...and I now have a major problem: Someone ate my Father's Day present.

A few days ago, Ian finished VPK. He told me repeatedly, "DO NOT LOOK IN MY BOOK BAG! There is a present in there for Father's Day." So, when I was not in the vicinity, Mommy and Ian stealthly removed the bag (stapled, taped, industrial glued) and it was quickly moved to an undisclosed, safe location (under his bed).
The present, to be referred to from this day forward as "The Hershey Project", remained undisturbed in that very secure location from Thursday afternoon until sometime around 8pm on Thursday evening. The Hershey Project disappeared, or at least a large portion of the contents, never to be seen again. As we discovered one day later, someone ate my Father's Day present.

After questioning several suspects and doing some bang-up CSI work, Holly (aka Wife) got a confession and closed the case. Ian (aka Primary Suspect) earned an early trip to bed on Thursday and was missing out on brownie night. Sometime around 7:30pm, the Primary Suspect thought to himself "Self...Daddy doesn't really like candy. There is a perfectly good chocolate bar in the bag under the bed. You missed out on brownies. Did I mention that there is a perfectly good chocolate bar in the bag under the bed? Daddy won't mind...he doesn't like candy. I think he would like a picture or something with legos better. Maybe you should just check it and see if it's okay. Mmmmm, smells kinda nice." As the Wife would later discover, the Primary Suspect accidently consumed my Father's Day present, a very nicely decorated Hershey bar.

The funny part is that Ian would have gotten away with the crime if he had simply gotten rid of the wrapper. I guess when you're 5, you really don't think about forensic evidence. On the upside...I'm not sure I would have eaten a 2 week old chocolate bar that was stored under his bed, so maybe this is a win for me.

Until next time, buh bye.

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